Install OctoBot on your Computer
Option 1: With the executable
- Download the latest version for your system using the latest release on GitHub. There is an OctoBot executable for:
- Start the downloaded executable. OctoBot opens a terminal, initializes its configuration environment and the OctoBot interface opens automatically.
On Windows, you can just double click the executable.
On Linux, first typechmod +x OctoBot_linux_x64
and then./OctoBot_linux_x64
in a terminal open next to your downloaded executable to start OctoBot.
Option 2: With Docker
- If you don’t have Docker, install it on your system. Here is the docker documentation for Ubuntu, Debian and Raspberry pie.
- Download the OctoBot image using the command:
docker pull drakkarsoftware/octobot:stable
- Start your OctoBot using the command:
docker run -itd --name OctoBot -p 80:5001 -v $(pwd)/user:/octobot/user -v $(pwd)/tentacles:/octobot/tentacles -v $(pwd)/logs:/octobot/logs drakkarsoftware/octobot:stable
The interface of your OctoBot is available on port 5001 of your system. http://localhost:5001/ or http://ip-address:5001/
Find all the details regarding the docker installation on our OctoBot with docker guide
Option 3: From the source code
Deploy your OctoBot from the code to be able to use a local Python environment, edit or audit the source code.
- If you don’t already have Python 3.10, install Python in version 3.10.
- Clone the OctoBot repository
git clone
- Install the Python dependencies
cd OctoBot
python3 -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt
- Start your OctoBot using this command:
The interface of your OctoBot is available on port 5001 of your system. http://localhost:5001/ or http://ip-address:5001/
Find all the details regarding the source code based installation on the python and git installation guide.
Other option: using a cloud
If you prefer using a server to run your OctoBot, here is the DigitalOcean cloud installation Guide.
Installing OctoBot on a server is a simple way to let your OctoBot execute its strategies 24/7.