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Trading bot
Local installation

Install OctoBot on your Computer

Option 1: With the executable

  1. Download the latest version for your system using the latest release on GitHub. There is an OctoBot executable for:
  1. Start the downloaded executable. OctoBot opens a terminal, initializes its configuration environment and the OctoBot interface opens automatically.

On Windows, you can just double click the executable.
On Linux, first type chmod +x OctoBot_linux_x64 and then ./OctoBot_linux_x64 in a terminal open next to your downloaded executable to start OctoBot.

Option 2: With Docker

  1. If you don’t have Docker, install it on your system. Here is the docker documentation for Ubuntu, Debian and Raspberry pie.
  2. Download the OctoBot image using the command:
    docker pull drakkarsoftware/octobot:stable
  3. Start your OctoBot using the command:
    docker run -itd --name OctoBot -p 80:5001 -v $(pwd)/user:/octobot/user -v $(pwd)/tentacles:/octobot/tentacles -v $(pwd)/logs:/octobot/logs drakkarsoftware/octobot:stable

The interface of your OctoBot is available on port 5001 of your system. http://localhost:5001/ or http://ip-address:5001/

Find all the details regarding the docker installation on our OctoBot with docker guide

Option 3: From the source code

Deploy your OctoBot from the code to be able to use a local Python environment, edit or audit the source code.

  1. If you don’t already have Python 3.10, install Python in version 3.10.
  2. Clone the OctoBot repository
    git clone
  3. Install the Python dependencies
    cd OctoBot
    python3 -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt
  4. Start your OctoBot using this command:

The interface of your OctoBot is available on port 5001 of your system. http://localhost:5001/ or http://ip-address:5001/

Find all the details regarding the source code based installation on the python and git installation guide.

Other option: using a cloud

If you prefer using a server to run your OctoBot, here is the DigitalOcean cloud installation Guide.

Installing OctoBot on a server is a simple way to let your OctoBot execute its strategies 24/7.