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OctoBot Beta Tester program

The OctoBot Beta Tester program gives you early access to most of the new features that are added to OctoBot.

It’s important to understand that beta testing is not the same as using a finished product. You may encounter bugs or other issues that have not yet been resolved, and you may be asked to provide feedback on your experience with the application. This feedback can be used to help improve the final version of the feature being tested, so it’s important to be thorough and honest in your testing.

Why joining the program

The goal of this program is to test those new features as well as experimenting with improvements on existing ones.

By joining the OctoBot Beta Tester, you will have early access to new features and improvements on OctoBot cloud by using

Who can join

Registrations are currently open. We are looking for different types of user with different background. No need to be a developer or an advanced trader.

If you are interested in helping OctoBot project to get better and are willing to try out our new features, we will be glad to have you in the program !

Joining the Beta Tester program

The Beta Tester program requires an account on This is a separate account from the one you might have on

  1. Create an OctoBot cloud beta account.
  2. Activate Connect to the beta environment in your OctoBot About tab and restart your OctoBot.
  3. You can now login using your account in your OctoBot’s Community tab.

Please note that for as long as Connect to the beta environment is enabled, your OctoBot will only be able to interact with the beta ecosystem. Therefore if you want to use features or your account from the public, you will have to disable Connect to the beta environment from the About tab.