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About us

Who are we ?

OctoBot is made by a team of 2.

Since 2018, OctoBot has been developed without external funding by Herklos and Guillaume.

Both have a developer background that allowed them to create OctoBot and the elements of the ecosystem based on their ideas and strong user feedbacks.

All this time allowed to develop a very strong code base while in the mean time being able to focus of user need and make OctoBot evolve in the right direction.

OctoBot is also shaped by its community

The OctoBot team is also made of the community of its users, some of them are part of the community for years now. It is thanks to this community that OctoBot keeps evolving to answer best the users’ needs and is growing towards the most useful features.

For this we are extremely grateful and we thank the OctoBot community for its help and amazing ideas over the past years.

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Ecosystem status


  • JetBrains full package license for open source project.

OctoBot is entirely developed with the help of Pycharm IDE !

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