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InvestingTest risk-free

Risk-free testing

paper trading cloud octobot

With OctoBot, you can use paper trading with any strategy or crypto basket.

Paper trading is enabling you to test trading strategies in live conditions using a virtual portfolio.

It is perfect to experiment with a trading strategy or crypto basket without taking any risk as it is only using simulated funds.

Getting started

  1. From the strategy or crypto basket you want to paper trade, hit Start trading
  2. Select Paper trading trading account type choice real or paper trading
  3. Select the amount you want to use in your simulated portfolio cloud strategy select exchange

No exchange account is required to use paper trading on OctoBot cloud.

Paper trading in OctoBot

Your paper trading OctoBot

Your paper trading OctoBot will now apply the selected strategy or basket as if it were on a real exchange account except that it won’t actually connect to any exchange account.

As with real trading OctoBots, you can follow your paper trading bot just as usual.

How long is your paper trading running ?

Using OctoBot cloud, you can have your paper trading OctoBot run for as long as you wish.

The only requirement is to click on Extend once every two weeks when your OctoBot arrives close to its expiry time. This notifies OctoBot cloud that it should keep your paper trading OctoBot running.

paper trading cloud octobot expiring in 2 days

Can I have bot paper trading and real trading OctoBots ?

Yes ! In fact, we even encourage you to use paper trading to experiment with strategies and crypto baskets on OctoBot cloud, even after you found the ones to trade with using your real funds.

This allows you quickly test new baskets or strategies and optimize your gains by always using the ones you prefer at any time.