Install OctoBot in the cloud with DigitalOcean
Create a DigitalOcean account
Create an account on DigitalOcean by following this link: DigitalOcean (or log in if you already have one).
Validate your account by adding a payment method.
Start the OctoBot application
Open the OctoBot App page on Digital Ocean marketplace.
Click on “Create OctoBot droplet”.
- Choose a region close to you.
- Let the OctoBot application image selected
- Select the desired server power. The minimal requirement is the $6/month option.
- Enter a secure password or a ssh key.
Click at the bottom on “Create droplet”.
Wait for the Droplet to start.
Access OctoBot
- On the DigitalOcean Droplet page, get the Droplet’s IP. For example, in this example, it’s IP
Copy this address.
In your browser, open a new tab and type http://$DROPLET_IP. In this example, you would type
If your browser indicates that the connection is not secure (which is normal because it is not HTTPS), accept by clicking “continue to the site”.
After a few seconds, the web interface of your OctoBot should appear.
Attention: Since anyone knowing the IP of your OctoBot can open this interface, it is strongly recommended to add a password protection.