Développement tentacle package
La traduction française de cette page est en cours.
Tentacle packages
This page covers tentacle package creation.
A tentacle package is a python module that contains one or multiple tentacles of the same type.
Le dossier d’un tentacle package
A tentacle package is defined by a folder located at :
TP is for tentacle package
YOUR_TP_CATEGORY can be Backtesting, Evaluator, Services or Trading
YOUR_TP_SUB_CATEGORY should be a sub category of YOUR_TP_CATEGORY in the existing tentacle architecture
YOUR_TENTACLE_PACKAGE_NAME is the name of your tentacle package, shouldn’t use an existing tentacle package name
Le fichier de description
A tentacle package contains metadata described in the metadata.json file. This file is used to properly install the tentacle and should be carefully written. It’s located at the root path of the tentacle package :
A tentacle package metadata.json contains :
"version": "YOUR_TP_VERSION",
"origin_package": "YOUR_TP_ORIGIN_PACKAGE",
"tentacles": ["YOUR_TP_TENTACLE_1", "YOUR_TP_TENTACLE_2"],
"tentacles-requirements": ["YOUR_TP_TP_REQUIREMENT_1", "YOUR_TP_TP_REQUIREMENT_2"]
YOUR_TP_VERSION is your tentacle package version
YOUR_TP_ORIGIN_PACKAGE is the author or the origin repository of the tentacle package
YOUR_TP_TENTACLE_1 and YOUR_TP_TENTACLE_2 are name of the tentacle classes contained in your tentacle package tentacles (1 or more).
YOUR_TP_TP_REQUIREMENT_1 and YOUR_TP_TP_REQUIREMENT_2 are the names of required tentacle packages to have installed to run your tentacle package (0 or more)
YOUR_TP_TENTACLE_X should match python classes to be exposed in the tentacle
Example DailyTradingMode/metadata.json :
"version": "1.2.0",
"origin_package": "OctoBot-Default-Tentacles",
"tentacles": ["DailyTradingMode"],
"tentacles-requirements": ["mixed_strategies_evaluator"]
Modules de tentacles
Tentacle python modules should be placed at the root path of the tentacle package. There can 1 or more modules per package.
Example with momentum_evaluator : The main python module that contains multiple tentacles is located at
Every tentacle classes should be imported in the package root __init__.py
Example with momentum_evaluator’s __init__.py
.py :
from .momentum import RSIMomentumEvaluator, ADXMomentumEvaluator, RSIWeightMomentumEvaluator,
BBMomentumEvaluator, MACDMomentumEvaluator, KlingerOscillatorMomentumEvaluator,
A tentacle package can contain tentacle configurations. Tentacles configuration consists in 2 parts:
- User inputs: the description of each configuration parameter, in the
tentacle method - Default configuration: the default configuration values, as json, in the
User inputs
On OctoBot’s web interface, tentacle configuration settings are generated using their definition as User inputs as well as their current values.
For a configuration parameter to show on the configuration interface, it has to be defined as user input. Any value contained in the json configuration file can be used by the tentacle but only the ones associated to user inputs will be visible to the user.
def init_user_inputs(self, inputs: dict) -> None:
self.period_length = self.UI.user_input(
"period_length", enums.UserInputTypes.INT, 14, inputs,
min_val=1, title="EMA period length."
self.min_trigger_value = self.UI.user_input(
"sleep_delay", enums.UserInputTypes.FLOAT, 0.5, inputs,
min_val=0.34, max_val=0.75, title="Threshold above which to trigger a signal."
self.send_notification = self.UI.user_input(
"send_notification", enums.UserInputTypes.BOOLEAN, True, inputs,
title="When enabled, send telegram notification on signal."
The full definition of user inputs can be found here.
If you are unsure how to use user inputs, have a look at the existing tentacles user inputs.
Tentacles configuration are displayed using the json-editor library. User inputs are converted into json schemas that are then passed to the editor alongside their current configuraiton values.
- The
argument allows to set json-editor specific options such as thedisable_array_add
option (editor_options={"disable_array_add": True}
). - The
argument allows to set json schema specific parameters such as theminItems
for arrays (other_schema_values={"minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": True}
Configuration par défaut
Values for an tentacle default configuration are located in the config/ folder at :
Each tentacles config file should be named with the exact case and name as the associated tentacle class. Below an example for MyAwesomeTentacle :
Once a tentacle configuration has been edited, a local copy of this json configuration file is added to your profile where local changes are saved.
Tentacle resources are located in the resources folder of your tentacle package.
Each tentacles documentation should be created for in resources/YOUR_TP_TENTACLE_1.md
(the file name should match the tentacle class name).
A tentacle package can also contain many resources that can be binary files, images…
Example DailyTradingMode/resources/DailyTradingMode.md :
DailyTradingMode is a **low risk versatile trading mode** that reacts only the its state changes to
a state that is different from the previous one and that is not NEUTRAL.
When triggered for a given symbol, it will cancel previously created (and unfilled) orders
and create new ones according to its new state.
DailyTradingMode will consider every compatible strategy and average their evaluation to create
each state.
You can use markdown to format a tentacle documentation.
Tentacle should be tested. Tests file are usually located in the tests folder of the tentacle package.
Installer et partager les tentacles
Follow the tentacles installation guide to install or share your custom tentacle package.