Solana is a blockchain platform that uses a proof-of-stake mechanism to provide smart contract functionality, and its native cryptocurrency is SOL. Solana is designed to host decentralized applications and is similar to Ethereum. It uses a proof-of-history consensus mechanism and a hybrid protocol to process transactions quickly at a low cost, making it attractive to institutional investors.
Total number of Solana
594227212 SOL
Solana uses a proof-of-history consensus mechanism
Solana's native cryptocurrency is SOL
The market cap of Solana is $84576047181
The number of token Solana is 594227212 SOL
Solana achieves over 1,500 transactions per second
Solana's transaction costs are less than a cent
Solana is used for hosting decentralized applications, DeFi platforms, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), NFTs, and gaming
Solana's competitive advantages include fast transaction times and low costs
Solana's technology uses a unique blend of proof of history and delegated proof of stake
Solana's blockchain is a proof-of-stake blockchain that provides smart contract functionality
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