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OctoBot 2.0.0 - What’s new

octobot 2.0.0 annoucement with new design preview

Introducing OctoBot 2.0.0

We’re very excited to announce the release of OctoBot 2.0.0! This version is a major leap forward for the whole OctoBot project, as it:

  1. Revamps the whole user interface
  2. Introduces the Premium OctoBot Extension
  3. Includes many fixes and exchange connector updates.

octobot premium new tentacles available

Revamped user interface

In OctoBot 2.0.0, we greatly improved the OctoBot UI that started to look a bit from another time.

The whole UI is now much more modern and is using the new OctoBot visual identity.

octobot 2.0.0 preview dark

The user interface now has dark and light modes and has better rendering on different screen sizes.

octobot 2.0.0 pnl light

We hope you will enjoy the new design of OctoBot!

The Premium OctoBot Extension

The second major feature of this version is the introduction of the Premium OctoBot Extension.

octobot premium extension preview

The Premium OctoBot Extension is an optional paid extension to permanently improve your open source OctoBot. It adds:

octobot open source utilisant les paniers de crypto avec extension premium octobot

We created the Premium OctoBot extension in order to:

  • Improve the ease of automating your TradingView strategies
  • Provide a tool suited for those who want to delve deeper into creating advanced strategies
  • Allow open source OctoBots to use OctoBot cloud crypto baskets that are automatically kept up to date

These features incur significant operating and development costs, which is why we decided to include them in the Premium OctoBot Extension and we look forward to receiving your feedback on this.

If you have any idea of features you would like to see on the Premium OctoBot Extension, please reach out to us.

Other improvements

OctoBot 2.0.0 updates the version of CCXT, its exchange connector to 4.3.56, therefore improving the global crypto exchange connection and compatibility with OctoBot.

This update also includes many bug fixes as well as improvements in exchange synchronization.